The Oasis
The Oasis Townsville is a referral and support hub for veterans' access to the services that are available in Townsville, especially the many supporting Ex-Service Organisation (ESOs).
This will assist veterans to transition, connect and integrate with their families into the Townsville Community. We will assist anyone in the ex-ADF community in Townsville whether transitioning now or been out of the ADF for any number of years.
One Page Brief
The Oasis Townsville is a place and an organisation devoted to enhancing the wellbeing of the Ex-ADF Community in Townsville. It serves to transition, connect and integrate members of the ex-ADF community who choose to live in Townsville.
It is a 'single front door' and a 'concierge service' to assist members of our community navigate the often complex world of support organisations and processes in Townsville. There are so many options many often feel overwhelmed finding the right service - we'll help as we've been cataloguing them all.
The Oasis Townsville is a registered charity and has Deductible Gift Recipient status. See the ABN Look-up Page for details.
We will assist anyone anywhere along the continuum from 'current serving ADF members who are thinking of transitioning out of Service', to those 'currently engaged in the transition process', to those who have 'been out for years and are looking for the old team'. Our support absolutely extends also to the families of veterans.
We are especially interested in those who have settled into civvie-street successfully, to join us in what ever capacity they can and for whatever time they have to help their fellow members of the ex-ADF community in Townsville.
The Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs) of Townsville recognised the need for a concierge-like service that highlighted each of their strengths and made navigation of all services that are available easier, especially for those transitioning from the ADF or arriving in Townsville after Service. The idea was born about 10 year ago by several members of the ESO leadership in Townsville. The idea became a reality when the Queensland Government committed to support an unsolicited proposal to build The Oasis Townsville on the site of the old DPI building in Oonoonba, in the November 2017 Queensland Election.
The Oasis Townsville is in design phase and construction is likely to commence by the end of 2019. We expect to be in the facility completed by mid 2020.
The Townsville community is very welcoming of serving and former serving members of the ADF. There are about 5,000 serving and about 15,000 ex-ADF members in Townsville. These veterans and their families comprise about 20% of the Townsville population. Townsville has a relaxed lifestyle that is very family friendly and is the perfect location to transition out of the ADF and establish a life after Service in the ADF. As a proud garrison city, Townsville recognises it is dependent on the close connection and support between the community, the members of the ADF, and the ex-ADF personnel and their families.
The Oasis Townsville will offer a relaxing veteran and family friendly community space with comfortable surrounds and a coffee shop. The facility will provide meeting spaces and break-out rooms.
We will focus our efforts on:
Advocacy - utilising Advocacy Training Development Program (ATDP) certified advocates and a purpose designed case management system and comprehensive directory of support services available in Townsville which will be maintained in-house.
Employment - with extensive and growing connections to employers, we aim to settle veterans into jobs with employers, especially those who appreciate it's not always possible to find all the technical qualifications they might require in a veteran. We'll advocate that a veteran is generally a great catch for the employability skills ('soft-skills') gained while in the ADF.
Volunteering - finding opportunities for veterans and their families to give back to their community and support their fellow veterans and their families who may still be finding their feet in civvie-street. We'll take members of our community for any amount of time they can spare and for any job they might like to help with.
Connections Program - if we have someone who would like support bringing a group of like-minded members of the community together for a particular activity, we will support and encourage the development of that activity, especially by providing a venue and support in seeking grants to make it a reality. A key program in this area is Hounds4Healing, which has been successful for a several years training and certifying 'assistance dogs'.